For many years FABRIGAS has been the supplier of first choice for high quality Fire Extinguishers of every size as well as a great selection of specialty protective gear. At FABRIGAS you’ll discover a huge selection of extinguishers and accessories that are specially selected to provide maximum effectiveness for every type of need - from homes to businesses and vehicles. View all available fire extinguishers
FABRIGAS has a wide selection of fire and safety equipment for industry, businesses and home use. You’ll find them in stock at our FABRIGAS headquarters in Belize City, dealers in the districts and available by calling the office.
Fire Suppression and Systems
As Belize has grown over the past thirty years, we’ve seen construction projects that have challenged the way we have always thought, planned and built homes and buildings. Today, we’re witnessing larger buildings rising throughout the country. We’re seeing office buildings, hotels and resorts, large multi-use buildings that may have a couple hundred employees and a large number of visitors and/or customers at any given time.
We see processing plants with expensive machinery and equipment. And, we see precious little consideration or anticipation of what might happen if that “dreaded” fire occurs. In fact, a structure was recently completed that will be the “daytime” home to some 400 employees and there is not one fire extinguisher or life-saving fire suppression system incorporated in this building…a potential recipe for tragic loss of life and property.
FABRIGAS has been the leading provider of fire extinguishers of every size and other protective gear, for many years. NOW, FABRIGAS is the country’s preeminent Fire Suppression Plan, System and Equipment provider. FABRIGAS has trained professionals who can sit with you, your architect and your builder and design a Fire Suppression Plan for your new project/building or a retrofit to your existing building - residential or commercial. FABRIGAS will provide the right plan for your project, the right equipment and the right training for your key people. Our team is available to check and approve every step in the installation to assure that you enjoy maximum protection for your people and your property.
FABRIGAS experts are also available to address and educate professional associations of architects, builders and large corporate entities on the many facets of the correct fire suppression plan.
Fire Safety Training Program
Awareness, Attitude, Action
How fires start and what keeps them burning
The elements of fire
Classes of fires and what they include
Fire Prevention
Emergency Action Plan
Fire Extinguishers
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Hot to Operate a Fire Extinguisher
Live Fire Demonstration
Package Cost Includes:
Training Room
Training Materials
Live Fire Demonstration
Snacks & Lunch
Time Duration: 5 hours approximately
*Note: At least 2 weeks notice is required to book us for training.
Email storeclerk1@fabrigas.bz for package rates per group.