At Fabrigas, we believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but the right
thing to do for our business.
To maintain our position as leader in the supply of industrial gases, medicinal gases, welding equipment and technology, fire and industrial safety in Belize.
To create and promote industrial growth through technological advancement, quality products, competitive prices, safety and exceptional customer service.
FABRIGAS is a multi-faceted company offering a diverse range of products and services to businesses, industries and individuals throughout the country of Belize.
FABRIGAS has grown from a company founded to supply industrial and medical gases to Belizeans at fair prices to a company that today is the primary provider of specialty gases for a variety of industries and the unquestioned leader in the supply of medical gases to virtually every hospital and medical provider plus providing “home” service of oxygen to individuals throughout the country.
FABRIGAS is and has been a “first responder” as the country has grown and the need for new products to meet the needs of a growing nation and the new categories of business spawned by this growth.
Today, FABRIGAS is the unquestioned leader in Fire Suppression Plans and Fire Equipment.
The use of Nitrogen, internationally, to fill tires instead of compressed air, for safety and economic reasons, has grown from commercial use in airplane tires, buses, commercial trucks and now, private vehicles have led FABRIGAS to introduce “Nitro-Tire” to the Belizean company and individual.
FABRIGAS is also a large supplier of commercial Welding Equipment and supplies that has enabled Belizean businesses to enjoy the benefit of using superior products and equipment. Other categories like Abrasives and Grinding plus the professional testing of Scuba Tanks and large gas cylinders has contributed greatly to the safety of the country’s many users.
We've done great things in the past. Today, we're doing even greater things for the future!
While the birth of FABRIGAS BELIZE LTD. officially began in 1990, founder Alistair King had actually seen the need for Belize to have a ready supply of gases available in Belize prior to that time. Alistair is a long-time resident and popular businessman of Punta Gorda and, indeed, the entire Toledo District. Alistair began importing and selling gases as an agent for PRAXAIR in southern Belize in the 1980's. In 1990, after comparing gas prices in Guatemala to the gas that he sold as an agent for Praxair in Southern Belize it became apparent that something had to be done. The PRAXAIR prices in Belize were among the highest in the world and the gases available from Guatemala were among the lowest. Alistair King then resolved to provide Belize with gases at fair prices and FABRIGAS was truly "born" at that time.
Alistair King teamed up with a very dependable and solid supplier in Guatemala, FABRIGAS DE GUATEMALA. Alistair imported his first cylinders of gas to Belize in wooden doreys, slashing prices of gases to the residents of southern Toledo by an amazing 50%! Word of this price cutting in the South sparked a demand for gases in the North, so Alistair King and his Guatemalan suppliers officially founded what is today, FABRIGAS BELIZE LTD. The FABRIGAS commitment to the old Belizean value of "fair prices to real people" resonated with Belizeans throughout the country and FABRIGAS is the leading industrial gas and medical gas supplier in Belize today!
FABRIGAS has a strategic alliance with our "sister company network" with members in every country in North and Central America. This alliance makes it possible for FABRIGAS BELIZE LTD. to guarantee gas supplies in record time as we have demonstrated in the past during natural disasters like hurricanes and floods. Our motto in disasters is: " the oxygen must go through." Since its birth and development in the 1990's, Fabrigas has never let its commercial ambitions cut corners or compromise its commitment to customer and country. Prices of FABRIGAS products remain some of the lowest in the region. This makes Belizean industry (all of which are consumers of gas(s) more competitive regionally, thus positively impacting industry growth and Belizean employment. Additionally, FABRIGAS has expanded its sales and delivery network three-fold over the years. This now allows welders and businesses to purchase welding supplies in some of the most remote areas of Belize.
Perhaps nothing, however, matches the FABRIGAS commitment to the people of Belize which is clearly shown by our extensive contributions to the country's public and private medical institutions. Investments of over $700,000.00 have been made to install industry certified oxygen networks in the public hospitals in Belize. It has made possible more efficient and cost-effective oxygen delivery in these hospitals. This has resulted in huge savings to the hospitals while also providing better health, a better quality of life and life sustenance to thousands of Belizeans. FABRIGAS'S Medical Gas Distribution Systems to sick customers is one of the best in the world. Since its inception, FABRIGAS has taken its social responsibility seriously. We are and will continue to be dedicated to serving the needs of our fellow Belizeans throughout our country.
FABRIGAS is proud of its dedicated staff, most of whom have been with the company since its inception.
And, FABRIGAS pledges to continue providing exceptional service to its valued customers and thanks them for their continued support.